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production ratio中文是什么意思

用"production ratio"造句"production ratio"怎么读"production ratio" in a sentence


  • 生产比率


  • Discussion on salt dosage and production ratio calculation method in vegetables pickles
  • Sony has raised its overseas production ratio from 42 per cent in 1995 to 50 per cent
    索尼把海外生产的比例从1995年的42 %提高到了50 % 。
  • High injection production ratio is the important reason which reflect the droping of the oil production
  • When the reserve - production ratio approaches to 10 years , the development of a field may come to a declining stage
  • It is one of most important tasks in modern reservoir menagement to determine the suitable injection - production ratio
  • Injection - production ratio ( ipr ) directly affects the pressure maintenance and the productivity of reservoirs
  • Although the overseas production ratio of japanese producers is rising , " there is still a big gap between overseas production and overseas sales " , says mr kikuchi
    尽管日本制造商的海外生产比例正在攀升, “但海外生产量和海外销售额之间仍有很大缺口, ”菊池正年说。
  • Based on the results from an extended derivation of weibull model , the methods to predict remaining reserves and reserve - production ratio of oil and gas fields are proposed in this paper
  • The remaining recoverable reserves are a material base for future development of oil and gas fields , and the reserve - production ratio is a specific index to analyze and judge future development trends of oil and gas fields
  • The video - disc machine equally presents the yield to increases opposite quick , but increase the speed to return s structure and form . year month , whole profession total amount volume of production ratio last year the same period increase the
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"production ratio"造句  


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